Day: September 23, 2022

adventures are the pits writing wade’e

hello every one this is my adventures of the pits writing and i hope yo like it there is also has fanf in it

It was at fredbears family diner it was a kids birthday he wanted to go there so they eat the food but the kid ball pit then he saw a yellow like bunny figure with sharp teeth and claws  then the yellow like bunny figure fallen into the ball pit saying come play with me he locked like the other yellow bunny on the stage but scarer and with fully purple eyes so the kid jumped into the ball pit then he falleboom the floor made a just like when the kid crashed into a fully different world there was eaten candy everywere then he saw a skeleton he thought it was hes and hes a ghost then he saw the bunny again he was telling hem to go somewhere the little kid was scared but he still went to the bunny when he got closer and closer he started to get more and more scared then he was getting so close then he started to see blood on the bunny then he started to see a purple human like figure the only part of hem that wasn’t purple was the eyes the kid got so scared so the kid started to run away then in front of the kid there was a wight bunny with a knithe in its hand the kid thought he was corned the a blue bunny with no face on came throu the top part of the ball pit then it tried to help the little kid but kid refused and thoult he was dead the a brown bear came from the top part of the ball pit the kid got more and more scared the the blue bunny started to fight the wight bunny the brown bear started to fight the yellow bunny. hope you liked it and bye 

the black hole Wade’e

hello every one this is my black hole writing and i hope you like it

It was 9 in the night the dude just wanted the printer to work so he can go home because he is lazy and tired and it was so rainy he worked at the police station  then he kicked the damn thing  then it printed a black circle then he put it on hes desk then he looked in the printer he thought it was ok then he put his coffee cup on the print it went right through then he reached out for the drink but he could not fell the cup then he looked at the black hole he carelessly put his hand in it and he could feel a lot of stuff he felt fur he felt slime but all he wanted was the coffee cup then something started pulling his hand then he started pulling his hand back the when he did it for the tenth time the thing that was pulling his arm let go so he could go to sleep for 2 minutes then when he woke up he looked at the black hole again then he saw the coffee cup next to it he thought it was a dream the he tried putting hes hand back in the black hole then it still went through the black hole, then a granade came flying out of the black hole then he moved swiftly out of the way he went to the other room when it blowed up he went back to the other room and it left a little black circle that moved then he stepet on it it vanished into the void the man said damn thats a real black hole im gonna burn it when he durnet it it didint burn only the paper part burned when the paper part burned when the ashes went up they flew back down into the black hole then 10 toys flew out of the black hole then one more granade flew out but this time it didint blow he checet it out and the trigger was not pulled so he pulled the trigger and frew it in then the printer printed a photo he  said is this how big it will get?? Do i need to destroy it before it gets this big i need to burn it wait what the paper around it is back what happened?? before this happens but all it needs to do is just eat all the little little tiny tiny food crumbs and every time it eats some thing it will get bigger and bigger all it needs s just very tiny food and if it gets big enough it will be able to eat me how do i destroy it will i can burn it because it is made \out of paper but i would not be able to burn the actual thing then it will get a ability to move what if i get more grenades i gonna see is that is possible buy that i mean that im gonna see on google  all right is it possible to destroy a black hole thats a real black hole that was printed on paper with granades enter it said the small anser is no no you can not destroy a GOD DAMN BLACK HOLE unless you make it suck in some thing bigger then it hen it might blow up but then there will be very very very tiny small black holes every were then there will be alot of very very very tiny tiny small crumbs that we can’t see but very very tiny alive stuff like the very very tiny spiders that live on you’r skin but they do not eat you and flies and ants and very vvery very tiny worms that live on your skin the the tiny tiny spiders eat the the man thought wow there is a lot of animals that are very tiny isint there i wonder ho much black holes that machein can make and way did it only come out when i kicked it and whaat was that very very slimy feeling when i put my hand inside i think it was just a pil of slugs wait a minute it ccouldint have been because it was very very slimy and smooth and it made a paper plane with a note in it will who will every know orrrrr i can put my head in it i think that is how i can know what it is but how will i ffind it oh wait i for got it was in th other room way are my even here well i don’t know well i will be leaving now bye to nobody i hope there it is there is the black hole daes my arm still go through cool it can can my head fit let me cheak hope fully it dousin’t rip the paper it can until my nose which is ok ok what is in here holy it looks amazing its pretty cool hey what’s that screaming it sounds like it is saying get out of my house i wonder what will happen if i turn my head what is that light that’s coming closer and closer i am gonna get out of here bye who ever is there hope i do not rip it oh no i rip no i ripped it oh well were dead hope fully i do not fall in to it because i don’t wanna die now wait what its all ready getting bigger way is it all ready that big oh no its coming right to me wait a minute this is the house the house that i saw when i put my head in it this is beautiful when i am fully in it then there is a lad hole way there is a gaming hole way and there is even a every thing else hole way i wonder what is there this is amazing there is bullet shells from so so so long ago this is amazing even better then any thing i saw befor for by that i mean in houses this is truely heaven i think well i gonna keep on going in this dark holes why is black mold suddenly apparing then he herd a noise it sounded like it was a sumining like a hot dog sumining it was the hot dog sumining it was hot dog hot dog hot digitty dog over and over again thats how it goes it keepet on going intell he got to the kitchen then he saw a giant tabel it had over twenty chairs and he thought they were goig to be monsters but in stead it was humans and luckily there was one seat left he was actchuly happy for ones when he sat down some one said dainers served then food tellaported on the table there was some good food and some macdonalds and kentucky fried chicken and some pizza then some one came in with a knife but there was a shotgun trap that was ready and louded. Bye hope you liked it