Category: Hanga | Create

la luna term three week one Wade’e

Use your plan to write about what happens next. 

Remember to:

  • include paragraphs
  • include a problem
  • include a solution to your problem
  • use your plan to organise your ideas
  • use the sentences from above.
They sat on the boat cass sam and dean were getting bored they were sitting on the boat for hours and they think they have been there for a month but it was only a day they can’t stand the boredness anymore when the moon came up sam didn’t know what it was or the name he nearly forgot what food was but luckily cateil the grandpa had a fishing rope but no fire so they  didn’t eat it they tried to find land but it will take long because they got the slowest boat so it might take a long long time maybe a few months they looked everywhere or did they or were they going in circles stuck in a whirlpool sam just notist it they were going in circle t “sam tould them dean said no we are not ging in circles “castiel said sam is right Dean “dean said okey sam “sam said at least someone believes me dean can’t you see it “dean said see what i cant see ohhh i see it now we are in a whirlpool “sam said can’t you see the water it’s swirling “sam said just look at the water wait a minute that’s not a whirlpool it’s “godzilla godzilla is making the whirlpool look said sam then a bright red spark happin’d for a few secend’s what was that  i don’t know i know what it is “said cass what is it said sam it’s mecha godzilla i think he has been releast what do you mean it’s a roboti’k godzilla like figure said castiel” only 7 things can beat hem what sma said what can beat hem “casteil said godzilla kong and angels god jesus demon and lusifur. Bye hope you liked it


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